La Androgra no es sólo una hierba curativa para muchos problemas de salud, sino también uno de los remedios caseros naturales más efectivos para la diabetes. La androgra está llena de etanólicos, con características antiinflamatorias y antidiabéticas. Esta hierba puede ayudar en el metabolismo de la glucosa. Los beneficios de la androgra también se deben a sus propiedades hipotrigliceridémicas. Además de la diabetes, la androgra puede curar otros problemas de problemas de salud tales como malaria, piedras del hígado, indigestión, y muchos problemas de la piel.
Con el fin de obtener los beneficios de la androgra en el tratamiento de la diabetes, debes hacer esto:
- Toma dos hojas de androgra y colócalas en una sartén
- Vierte 1 ½ taza de agua fresca en esta cacerola
- Hierve hasta que el agua se reduzca a la mitad
- Cuela las hojas
Deja que esta agua se enfríe a temperatura ambiente
- Bebe esta agua.
Si deseas ver un resultado significativo, debes beber dos o tres tazas de esta agua durante unos meses.
There is a safe & effective Natural Herbal Medicine. for total cure of different disease and virus. Email DR AKHIGBE. on drrealakhigbe@gmail.com or contact his number .+2348142454860 . Treatment with Natural Herbal medicine Cure For : PAINFUL or IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION ,VAGINAL EFFECT IONS.CANCER, VAGINAL DISCHARGE. ITCHING OF PRIVATE PART. BREAST INFECTION. DISCHARGE FROM BREAST. HIV/AIDS, BREAST PAIN & ITCHING. LOWER ABDOMINAL PAIN.DIABETES . NO PERIOD OR or PERIOD SUDDENLY STOP. HERPES, WOMEN SEXUAL PROBLEM. PAIN DURING SEX INSIDE THE PELVIC. PAIN DURING URINATION. PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE, (PID). DRIPPING OF SPERM FROM THE VAGINAL AS WELL AS LOW SPERM COUNT. ZERO SPERM COUNT. QUICK EJACULATION.CHRONIC DISEASE, ASTHMA, PREMATURE EJACULATION. WEAK ELATION. PARKINSON'S DISEASE, DISCHARGE FROM PENIS. STD. EPILEPSY, STAPHYLOCOCCUS + GONORRHEA + SYPHILIS. Pile-HEMORRHOID. WAIST AND BACK PAIN. MALE AND FEMALE INFERTILITY. Etc.I was diagnosed of Cancer of the lungs for seven month and I spend hell in going to different hospital at difference places seeking for cure but there was no solution. I decided to go through the internet where I saw a testimony of a woman in London,[MARY]. So I contacted him also through his mail. He answer me and we both communicate and he send the herbal medicine to me through DHL COURIER DELIVERY SERVICES. Brother and Sister to cut the story short, that was how I connected with my cure for three weeks I was totally well and strong by Dr Akhigbe. powerful natural herbal medicine. You can also reach him for your help. He will help you because he is a good and easy doctor. Via email. drrealakhigbe@gmail.com Number +2348142454860.